Friends and photos

Randy and Cardinal pitcher, Adam Wainwright[/caption]
Dallas Jenkins, Dir. of the Chosen
               Randy with Mona
RM with Chosen star, Sharon Mayfield!


Atty. General, John Ashcroft
Richard Roberts in Alaska (1975)
Rev. Dr. John McArthur
  Dr. Robert McQuilkin 
                   RM with Oral Roberts and Richard Roberts 
Stan “the Man” Musial
  The lovely Lennon Sisters
Author, Eric Metaxis
Fox News broadcaster, Tucker Carlson
My fav., B.J. Thomas
                Dionne Warwick
President Jimmy Carter
NFL MVP Kurt Warner
Natalie Cole
“The Wizard” Ozzie Smith
Dodger Manager, Tommy Lasorda
World Series MVP, David Eckstein
    Randy helping Mike Matheny manage the team    with Kurt Warner
               RM with Peshmerga Army in Kurdistan, Iraq
