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Above: Randy Mayfield sings for the Thanksgiving Day Festival in Kiev, Ukraine

Central Presbyterian Church has been ministering in the country of Ukraine since 1991. We have helped the local church with children and youth camps, trained pastors, planted new churches, provided encouragement and aid to those in need.

The September 2019 trip was focused on evangelism and outreach as pastor Randy joined with local Ukrainian musicians in outreach events in areas where people are really hurting due to the ongoing border war with Russia. Hundreds came to listen to the music and message, and many gave their lives to Christ. We did similar events in churches, town squares, and parks, and at every occasion, there were many who came forward to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Randy also had the opportunity to perform in the annual Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving in downtown Kiev where over 100,000 people packed the main street, Khreshchatyk, to hear music, sermons and experience a time of worship.

Click here to view video of Randy performing with the Ukraine Gospel Orchestra.

Shots around Kiev, Ukraine — Thanksgiving Day Festival on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019

The Orchestra was excellent and Randy enjoyed rehearsing and performing with them! A crowd of over 100,000 people gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and pray for Ukraine. Leaders from many Protestant Churches shared in music and the Word.

Ukraine Gospel Orchestra


Thanksgiving Day Festival




Beautiful Kiev… or KYIV as they now call it!